The ‘imported chocolates’ Run.
Hares: Too Easy, Two Jugs, and Fat Crashing Bastard fresh off the plane?
Where: Segar Road.
On On: Food Court Next Door.
The Circle:
Crikey, so what did we think of that for a run? The Chocolates were great! Location was most original. Run was a bit wet….yeah, it was a good run!
Tell us about your On On: On the spot but not on –site ..not a –la- carte- The hares took the trouble to order the meal! (Thank you hares!).
Next week’s run: Breast Cancer Awareness Run, Fort Canning Park. $20 for members and $35 for guests, which includes on on, shirt, and the good feeling of donating to a worthy cause. Hares are Sybil, Dances with Kerbs & Forced Entry.
Fat Crashing Bastard said “he will be aware of breasts next Wednesday!
Visitors / Returnees:Welsh Git, Belcher, Mark, Christian, WTF is Christine, Liz, Totally Unacceptable, Amber, Knobby Boy Scout & Sweedy Tits.
Virgins: Thomas. He is glad he survived and he did not expect to get so wet!
Lipstick:Mr Potato Head, Who the F’xxk is Christine.
Tits: Ayam Zinking is not here, he is still tiinking.
Dick:Boo still has his hands on it.
Awards – nope.
· Who the Fxxk’s Christine to : Tiger Lily for hallucinating and then took a short cut (how unlike her to do that! )
· Mr Potato Head : Who the Fxxk’s Christine for commenting that Twin Towers looks like D.I.Y.
· Wet Brazilian : Slim for not being able to keep his hands off Forced Entry throughout the entire run.
· Not Tonight to Liz (now and forever known as Suck Swallow) for sending Not Tonight to test the depth of the drain. (Can she not tell their height difference?) However, the best part that got Liz her hash name was that she thought she will try the shallower end of the drain but she got sucked into the mud instead!
· Who the fxxk’s Christine: To Tiger Lily for breaking the bamboo bridge as she crossed it.
· Gypsy : while he was short cutting he overheard one of the hares saying…she should know the trail better as she has done a few reccee of this run …Two Jugs!
· Knobby Boy Scout: He read a research on how often do European men change their socks daily?
o The French – rather infrequently
o The British – 80% of the time
Fat Crashing Bastard being half French was called in for a down down.
· Fat Crashing Bastard: On Happiness. Thomas the virgin made him laugh when he said “ God, my face hurts!)
· Too Easy then said Well, he has never been beaten by so many women!
· Who the Fxxk’s Christine heard a complaint. Mr Potato Head apparently complained about being behind Twin Towers.
· Mr Potato Head to Liz, Thomas, Deep Throat and Not Tonight for not wearing hash attire.
· Deep Throat to Stiffy : For using Deep Throat as a scapegoat when he asked Corrina (my pet) “who‘s that dog you brought” well, it was Not Tonight that was standing on the other side of Corrina!
· Stiffy’s revenge: Still taking to Corrina but to me for saying that I am 9 1/2 …
The all said it was boring so the circle ended…
Scribed by Deep Throat.