Run Report #2057 14/11/2012

Towering Birthday

Hares: Twin Towers & Comes Quietly

Where: End of Rifle Range Road

On On: Red Lantern

The Run:

No idea. My cab driver like the traffic jam on f%^king Bukit Timah Road so much he decided to miss Rifle Range Road and do a loop to do it all over again. So when I turned up the pack was long gone. Reports from after the run suggested that the run had gone through the bush (but always on marked trail J) to the lookout tower, which is where Astronut and I ran into the front runners after running down the pipeline and over the boardwalk. On home was back along the pipeline.


Once again Stiffy was extremely complementary about the run. He “wasn’t looking forward to it” when setting out today, but thought in the end it was a “very good run”.


The Circle:
Once again the GM was enthusiastic about getting the circle started, despite the hare still in the changing process. I must admit it was 8pm by this time, but Comes Quietly had been conscientiously picking up paper after the last runners so was a little late back. Anyway, on to next week’s run.


Next week’s run: Mother’s Tongue thinks next week’s run will be at the top carpark of Pepys Road. More details to come.


Visitors / Returnees:
I didn’t get them all, but do recall Tina Tuna, Handbag, Astronut, Totally Unacceptable, and a few others.


Virgins: There was a virgin, Ria, who was pretty handy at drinking her beer as well.


New Member: nope


The hare is ready, so

Crikey, so what did we think of that for a run? Very good run, and thanks for picking up the paper as well.


Tell us about your On On:
Red Lantern, three tables, first beers on the hare and as usual, good food (not quite as good as last week, but good nonetheless J).


Tits: absent with Virginia Slim.


Hooray has two candidates:

  • It always rains on Twin Towers’ runs, so why did Comes Quietly set the run way out here in the jungle?
  • Since it always rains on Twin Towers’ runs, why didn’t she set the run near a pub.

At this, Twin Towers remarked that the charge was very boring, and the circle agreed, so Hooray gets to keep the Dick.


Lippy: the GM forgot her lippy so can’t be bothered to call anyone in tonight.


Awards –



  • Twin Towers received a complaint about the drink stop tonight. Tina Tuna was complaining that it was “too weak”. Why then, TT asked, was she staggering around after two drinks?
  • The GM has a charge, and enters the circle under her umbrella to deliver it. Actually, she found the drink stop lovely, and was continuing to enjoy it during the circle. But when she started the circle, she put her cup down; only for Penile Extension to pick it up and take a surreptitious drink in the corner.
  • Tiger Lily had been chatting to Totally Unacceptable after the run about a recent trip he had made to Japan. He listed all the places he had been, and Ria the virgin, over-hearing, asked “where is Bali in Japan?” Give a drink to the geographically challenged. And when one Japanese drinks, all Japanese drink: Tiger Lily, Herr Zipp, Forced Entry, and Ria.
  • Wet Brazilian wants Sybil in the circle. Why? Sybil came over to the GM and asked “what’s JJ’s hash name?” Give her a drink for not knowing her good friend’s hash name.
  • Sybil, now knowing Dances with Kerbs name, asks her into the circle. Dances with Kerbs called her today, saying “I like Comes Quietly’s runs, but if you are coming I don’t want to go”. Here’s to the best friend….
  • Penile Extension was running along with Two Jugs, who with a woman’s sense of direction was sure we were in McRitchie. Well we kind of are, but anyway. Give Two Jugs a drink for being “directionless”.
  • Wet Brazilian remarks that all the couples are looking lovely and lovey dovey tonight. On the run, one couple got separated and Wet Brazilian overheard Goes Down Easy calling out for “Wayne”. More like “where the f&^k is f&*king Easy” remarks Comes Quietly. Anyway, Goes Down Easy gets a drink.
  • Kannot Kan wants to make an announcement. He says “a lot of people comes up to me and say….” which Stiffy quickly interjects “f&^k off”. Anyway Sunday Hash have their 500th run on Saturday 8th December, come one come all.
  • Boxer brings in a birthday cake for the Scorpios – Twin Towers, Astronut, and Sneaky Comer.


And with that, it’s on on to the Red Lantern.

Scribed by Sneaky Comer

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