Run Report #2058 21/11/2012

The ‘I Can’t Understand a F*#kin Word You Are Saying,’

Hares: Mother Tongue and

Where: Pepys Rd, Kent Ridge (not far, as the crow flies, from Vigilante Drive), Kent Ridge

On On: 99, South Buona Vista Rd.

The Run:

Maggot, who has been out of Singapore more than he has been here lately, got me to tell him where the run site was. After a check of next week’s site at Vigilante Drive, we then drove to the correct site at Pepys Road. Well, it was the correct hill, just the wrong side.

No sign of the Mother’s Tongue Hare, who was out relaying the run after an afternoon storm created havoc with her chalk markings.

Down the hill and straight through a T Check at the bottom went the front runners, led by the GM and Goes Down Easy. Just before they were out of voice range, we took pity and called them back.

It was then Not Tonight who led us along the drain and past Hort Park. The GM and Goes Down Easy once again charged past, heading to the next T Check.

So it was Stiffener who reluctantly led Comes Quietly and I through Hort Park, muttering something about not liking the pressure of being the front woman. We finally managed to push her out onto Alexander Rd, where we crossed up onto the raised walkway. The GM and Goes Down Easy barged past again, up the board walk and down again, disappearing out of sight down Alexander Rd. Another T Check we thought, and most of the Pack stayed up on the tree top walk waiting for them to come back. But they didn’t. F^&k it!

Through the old Lock Road area and then back under the boardwalk to emerge at Alexander less than 20 meters from where we started. That bit of trail was so close it was tighter than a nun’s (censored).

Over the road and lots of tarmac, past Eton Hall and finally along the back of Winchester before entering the bottom of Kent Ridge and the gut wrenching climb to the top.

6.5 kms and between 50 mins and 1 hour 10 for the by now rather strung out Pack. Good work Hares.


The Circle:
A good sized Circle and the rain held off.


Crikey, so what did we think of that for a run? Up and down more than a bride’s nightie was suggested. Someone else commented why would a bride being wearing a nightie in the first place. Good point. And good run – 6.5 kms, 50 to 70 minutes.


Tell us about your On On:
99, South Buona Vista Rd


Next week’s run: Stiffy and Not Tonight, Vigilante Drive


Visitors / Returnees:
Malfunktion and Totally Unacceptable


New Member: nope


Virgins: Too wet


Tits: Cock Radio to the GM. As the GM ran through 3 T Checks without seeing them, she would have an excuse if she had bigger tits that stopped her from seeing the ground at her feet. So now she has an excuse.


Hooray declares he is not going to keep the Dick, which brought an immediate response of ‘Keep the Dick.’ Nominations are Cock Radio for leading night owls astray to Harry’s, Ipanema and Naughty Girls after the D&D, Not Good Enough for pretending to be concerned about his wife who was still out on the trail, and someone else for something else and someone got the Dick but it was not me. (Ed, Not Good Enough go the dick).


Lippy: Hooray of course. And Sneaky Comer for always claiming he was ‘Checking’ as an excuse for being ahead. Cock Radio got an honorable mention for inflating the size of Not Tonight’s boobs when it was suggested he was ahead of her.


Awards –



  • Maggot calls in an Aussie, Sneaky Comer, and a Kiwi, Wet N Wild. In 1880, a Kiwi invented the Condom by using a sheep’s bladder. The Aussies perfected it later by taking the bladder out of the sheep before using it.
  • Stiffy was asked by and Indian man for directions while running through Hort Park. As it turns out, Siffy was headed to that particular location and said ‘Follow me.’ 20 minutes later after trudging through jungle and up and down hills, the poor Indian man, gasping for breath and about to have a coronary, gave up. “Where exactly are you going to” asked Stiffy? ‘The gym,’ was Indian man’s last gasp before he passed out.
  • Most people have a Birthday, but Twin Towers has a Birth month. Out comes the cake. Not Good Enough takes offence, as today is his Birthday but where is his cake. It was declared too mathematically challenging to calculate his age!
  • Not Good Enough was promised a hot date for his Birthday. Give Way was very hot and very sweaty after the run, but that was not his idea of a hot date.
  • Mother’s Tongue assures Not Good Enough that the hot part of the date is still coming . Not Good Enough replies he has had 3 years of wedded bliss. With a slap across his ear, Give Way reminds him they have been married for 31 years.
  • Cock Radio has managed 1 year!
  • Maggot is sick and tired of all the shit that has been poured on the Aussies for their lack of recent sporting success. He then asks Stiffy what he thinks of the drubbing given to the Pom’s by the Wallabies last week (one point is close enough to a drubbing)
  • Totally Unacceptable had a little sight problem on the run tonight. Why was he not wearing his spectacles? The GM tells us he took them off before the run to get changed, carefully placing them on the boot of his car. But not carefully enough, as they were crushed to pieces when opened the boot.
  • Not Good Enough is puzzled why Texans don’t stick to Tacos for Thanksgiving.
  • There were other charges, but I missed them because I think they involved me so I couldn’t write them down.


    On On to 99

    Scribed by Cock Radio

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