Run Report #2059 28/11/2012

The ‘Stiffy Passes Another Year,’

Hares: Stiffy and Not Tonight

Where: Vigilante Drive, Kent Ridge (not far, as the crow flies, from Pepys Rd).

On On: Eeo Soon ‘Genuine Thai Food.’ Mai Kay Kay (look that up in your Funk and Wagnall)

The Run:

Stiffy normally fits in the 3 peaks of Kent Ridge, Telok Blangah and Mt.Faber when he sets these runs, so we were ready for a thigh straining workout. Instead we did a loop of Kent Ridge, going up and down as we circumnavigated it.

Posh Nash was obviously in a hurry to get home, as she raced off and disappeared out of sight. The Hares had warned us of some long T Checks. As Posh Nash led a group of runners up the canal path into the bush at the bottom of South Buona Vista Rd, I decided to run ahead up the road. Finding trail, I then sat down in the bus stop. Well, 3 buses came along before the pack along the canal found the T Check. Now that was a long T Check.

It was Give Way who led the way back into Vigilante Drive. Trail went up and down and around on some nice tracks. Ample short cutting opportunities.

Open grassland provided no shelter from the lightning flashing around. The Pack looked like a platoon of WW1 soldiers scampering across No Man’s Land dodging enemy bullets. Stiff took a hit to the leg, tearing his calf muscle, and requiring medical evacuation.

A final climb up the steps from Hort Park saw everyone back safely (whoops, almost everyone) in an hour or so.

Good work Hares.


The Circle:
A good sized Circle and the rain held off (Sort of). Stiff was propped up on a chair with a massive ice pack around his leg.


Crikey, so what did we think of that for a run? Good sound and light show. No Hooray. Bloody good run.


Tell us about your On On:
Thai, genuine, bottom of Pepys Rd. Name your price, a la carte.


Next week’s run: Singaporn is leaving on a jet plane. Helped by Lost Marbles.


Visitors / Returnees:
Heaps, but forgot to get list. Stiff was there.


New Member: nope.


Virgins: Too wet


Tits: The GM believes she was striding out so athletically with her tanned long legs, big boobs, and sexy shorts that an Associate Member decided to accelerate after her. Result: Associate Member with pulled calf muscle requiring car transportation back. We prefer our muscles shucked, not pulled Stiff. Does anyone have a motor bike license?


Not Good Enough, who I now recall was good enough to get the Dick last week, is certain that the Dick should come before the Tits. Anyway, there was a certain male who was doing a lot of whinging and complaining about petty little things happening to him during the run. He then whinged about ‘Well, things can’t get any worse, can they..’ and promptly tore his calf muscle. Now you have something to really whine about.

And could things get any worse for him after that? Yes, as he sat on his chair with a massive ice pack around his leg, Kamala came and wrapped her thighs around him.

A Dick and Tits job for Stiff.


Lippy: Cock Radio, for not measuring breast size correctly and giving some flat chested Harriets an exaggerated titillating experience. Boo, because he is Boo and Hooray is not here.


Awards –



  • Not Tonight thinks Stiffy is living more dangerously as he ages. The National Parks sign warned to take shelter in inclement weather and beware falling trees. So there was Stiffy, strolling around the park tonight with umbrella in hand, lightning bolts jagging through the sky, booms of supersonic thunder, wind, rain, crashing branches…..
  • Fat Crashing Bastard just comes to the Harriets to learn the real truth about women. Overheard tonight from Wet Pet – ‘I only have to do it for 10 minutes and then I pretend.’ And we always thought it was for real.
  • A Birthday cake for the Birthday Boy. ‘But it’s not me birthday day yet..’ You can’t whinge and eat your cake too.
  • Sneaky Comer is reminded of a particular whinging episode a few years back when another pair of Hares tried to use his run site the week before him. He carried on and on and on, threatening to nuke the Harriets if they did not make the offending Hares change their run site. So here we are, 2 weeks in a row at Kent Ridge but not a peep out of Stiffy.
  • Maggot thanked Cock Radio for getting him to tonight’s run site 1 week earlier.
  • Not Tonight observed Half Cut kindly holding an umbrella to prevent the scribe’s notes from getting soggy until it stopped raining. Another shower of rain commenced and Not Tonight heard ‘Hold this for me and I’ll get it up for you again.’
  • Goes Down Easy and F*#ks Too Easy conversation to each other on the run. ‘Can you do it in the jungle?’ The reply was ‘I can only do it going down.’
  • Stiffy saw the scribe’s beer knocked over and a waiter immediately came and replaced it with a full one. Is this what Aussies do when they are almost finished a drink – leave it where someone is bound to knock it over and they feel obligated to get him another one.
  • Maggot kindly gave Sneaky Comer a ride to the run, only to end up with 3 centimeters of dust and dirt all over his back seat. Seems that while waiting for Maggot, Sneaky had sat down in the multi story car park that is covered in crap. Well, it will give the maid something to do tomorrow.
  • Jack Off used one of her old pub pick up lines and approaches a male member, asking him ‘Are you f#*ks easy?’ Nothing like the direct approach. Anyway, it seems that F#*kin’ Easy did not know the way home from the bottom of Kent Ridge at Hort Park. There’s only one way but up!
  • GM makes a brilliant statement ‘We are not so young anymore.’ Startling news that. But she qualifies it by saying we are all active still, and calls all those in who are doing Angkor Wat or Standard Charters Marathons this weekend. 3 members with walking frames came in, 2 with a walking stick, 1 with a Seeing Eye dog, 1 in a wheelchair and Stiff was pushed in on a hospital trolley, pushed by his personal nurse, Kamala. What a fine bunch.


On On to Thai

Scribed by Cock Radio

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