Run Report #2062 19/12/2012

The ‘Home Cooking’ Run

Hares: Give Way & Not Good Enough

Where: Labrador Park

On On: On Site, Home Cooking Christmas Fare


The Circle: The circle started at 8.15 pm with a moving tribute led by Pubic Zip for all the 26 souls including 20 young children and teachers killed in the massacre in the primary school at Newtown, Connecticut earlier this week. There was not a dry eye in the house, well said Pubic Zip!


Crikey, so what did we think of that for a run?
On in the Hares, or rather the Hare, Not Good Enough, as Give Way was busy back home doing the wifely thing and preparing dinner. Good Run went the cry, though as a result of the trail or the wonderful mince pies and cream no one will ever know.


Tell us about your On On:
On site, Christmas Fare including mince pies.


Next week’s run: Stiff and Stiffener, at No 10 Maida Vale, Seletar (yes people still live there!).


Visitors / Returnees:
Nutcrakeer, Woodbridge, Amber, Totally unacceptable, Pat, In and Out(c’est moi, the temporary scribe so I missed the down down), Wee Willy, Julie, Stiff, Louise, Megan.




New Member: Nope.


Lipstick: Naughty boys (as usual) were Boo and Stefan. Will they never learn??


Tits: Not Good Enough was spoiled for choice.

Was it to be

A.    Ad Nauseam for living up to his name and being nauseatingly nice, and whimpering like a castrated puppy dog, on top of being pathetically subservient and collecting all the trail marking tape which meant that half the hashers got lost, or

B.    The Grand Mattress for forgetting the wine due to a Miss Understanding?

No contest for this bunch of wino ladies, the GM rightly gets the T**Ts for the inexcusable error of not providing alcohol for the old soaks. She’s all right, she’s all right, etc etc….


No record


Awards –



  • The GM calls in Ad Nauseam, perhaps is a futile attempt to divert the baying throng from her aforementioned heinous crime. “He’s not nice, he refused to put on a Christmas Shirt!” Bar Humbug! Its no excuse that he’s Scottish! He ought to be publically…
  • On to more charges. Boo calls in Herr Zipp for not telling the Virgin ‘not to follow Boo!’ Give Herr Zipp and and Leana a note. ‘They may be a joy to their mothers……….’
  • Mother’s tongue, returns the favour and calls Boo back in. She reiterates, one should Never, Ever, follow Boo. Again, today he led everyone off trail. He ought to be publically pee’d on…..
  • Now the second Hare returns, fresh from her travails in the inner sanctum of the holiest of holy places- her kitchen. Welcome back!
  • HooRay calls in the virgin Leana, and charges her for speaking Russian in the circle. What is wrong with a bit of exotica one asks? Nastrovia! And shame about no Vodka. Here’s to the Virgin, she’s too red…….
  • Slocum brings in the Hare, because he said that it is scary when Ad Nauseam is too nice. Bar Humbug! Does he expect him to be having a Dickensian Christmas complete with Scrooge and the ghost of Christmas past? He’s the meanest, he **** the horse’s p***s, ……
  • Pubic Zipp brings in Megan. Guess what, she has no hash name. Now she has just got a job in the wilds of Australia’s outback, immediately after graduating. Surely that deserves some sort of accolade? How about Kalgoolie Girl? No way bayed the assembled throng…and so,


On on to the onsite extravaganza!

Scribed by In & Out.

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