Run Report #1954 1/12/2010

Hares: Tiger Lily

Eng Kong Park

The Run:

With Tiger Lily in charge, experienced runners prepared for this run as if participating in an ultra-marathon. Shaggy Dick Too did intensive carbo-loading during the week, road runners were prepared, rub downs sought.

The trail went up the hill, then left down Toh Yi Drive and across Jurong Kechil. A couple of T-checks barely slowed the pack down until a circle at Lorong Pisang playground took a little while and gathered the pack back together. Down to and across Upper Bukit Timah Road, across and into the trails outside the nature reserve. Across to the bottom of Rifle Range Road, back across Upper BT Road and up along the PIE slip road unti we were back in Eng Kong, where a short/long run split allowed the runners a bit more marathon training.

Fat slow bastards were back in an hour, so well done Tiger Lily for a nicely judged run. Apparently she didn’t want to wear aspiring marathon runners out too much before Sunday’s real marathon.

The Circle:

So, what did we think of that for a run? Amazing (by the hare), shortest ever, good run finally called.

Tell us about your on on. Across the road at Eng Kong Eating House, a la carte.

Next week’s run: Black Member and Wet Thong’s farewell run, on Braddell Road next to Islamic Centre, on on will be in Beer Garden behind Botak Jones. See web site for map.

Visitors: Welcome Mark, Stefan, CoxStroker, Krit, Knobby Boy Scout, Cunnilicker, King Lear.

Returness: Posh Duck.

Tits: No tits to be seen tonight.

Lipstick: Shoe Shopper is disappointed to be “wasting” her lipstick on Krit and Mark.

Dick: Since Basket Case had the Dick, the committee were casting around for some sucker to give it away on his behalf. Sneaky Comer was the appropriate sucker, having been promised a reward for later on by the on sec. Sneaky came in to regale the circle with the choices that people had on the run – to be a twinkle toes navigating up the drainway along the PIE, or get out on the road and be a wide load. What did Black Member choose? Well he chose to be a “twinkle toes”; but he also chose to disappear and answer his phone, so the story dropped on the floor and somehow Sneaky Comer got to keep the Dick.

Awards – none.


· Shoe Shopper points out that Not Tonight lost her wedding ring in the lucky draw at the Lion City D&D on Saturday night. So if someone drew out the wedding ring and got Stiffy, would it still qualify as a lucky draw?

· Wet Brazilian asks Shoe Shopper how long she has had her car? Four years is the answer. So with two sets of keys left in the key bag at the end of the run, why couldn’t SS recognize her keys?

· Not Tonight had been chatting to Black Member during the run and the importance of checking your prostate came up (this is Movember, after all). Normally prostate checking involves use of a finger (or more) which is a reason many men are reluctant to check, but Not Tonight has heard of a new technique – if your index finger is longer than your ring finger, you have a lower chance of having a problem. Tiger Lily is called in for checking.

· Wet Brazilian points out that a traditional prostate exam by a Doctor will also cure the hiccups. Not quite sure who she charged here.

· Stiffy points out that the Singapore Water Polo team recently got in trouble for having a crescent moon in a strategically inconvenient position on the men’s swimming trunks. Boo is called in to represent Singapore.

· Boo has been reading Wikileaks carefully, and noted that Colonel Gaddafi from Libya had been cited as having a blonde and voluptuous Ukranian nurse. Wet ‘n Wild and Lost Mables are called in as representatives of blond and voluptuous.

Shoe Shopper pointed out that we may need an emergency hare for an upcoming run. Please see Shoe Shopper if you can help.

On on on.

Scribed by Sneaky Comer.

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