Run Report #1956 15/12/2010

Hare: Mr Potato Head, Birthday Run
Fort Canning Park

The Circle:
It being nearly Christmas we all had to follow the star to the circle run by Big Head.

So, what did we think of that for a run?  The hare, Mr Potato Head ,  always does it on his own apparently (poor thing!) so no co-hares this week.  You would think on his birthday someone would help.

“How was the run?” – “Too well marked”, “Too long”, “Not enough reindeer”, “ No paper”, “Good run”

Tell us about your on on.  Onon – On site, coq au vin, veggies, garlic bread and apple strudel for pudding.
Next week’s run: Virgin Slim and Big Head, Christmas run, so please wear your Santa suit Slim?

Visitors:    Jig a jig, Stiff, Harvey Wallbanger, Peta’s friend, Jason

Returness:  Woodbridge and Nutcracker.

Tits:  No tits to be seen tonight.

Dick: No Dick either, but lots of balls and horns in the circle!

Lipstick:  Handbag, Stiff, Jason and Harvey Wallbanger, who arrived just in time, thank goodness!

Awards –  none.

Big Head called all the ballwearers into the circle, wherever their balls were, on their heads! or in different places – interesting!

Big Head brought  in reindeer antler wearer (who will remain anonymous) as they obviously have a bit of a problem as one antler was up, nice and perky and the other was down, sad and droopy – aaaahhh! Well, we hope he now realises that taking half a Viagra just doesn’t work.

Mr Potato Head charged Harvey Wallbanger for his lacking of understanding a T check.  Harvey Wallbanger ran across the bridge to a T check and instead of checking back he checked left and right and was surprised he couldn’t find the trail!

Kamala then brought Mr Potato Head in for not looking after his friend, who was not back for the circle (He turned up later though – apparently he had gone home for a shower – what a carpark isn’t good enough for him!)

Not Tonight charged Nutcracker and Harvey Wallbanger for bragging about the sizes of their balls. Nutcracker’s are 8 inches long and Harvey Wallbanger’s 10 inches!!! Yeh, right! When did you two last get your eyes checked?

Stiff charged Too Easy and Wet Brazilian for wishful thinking.  When Stiff and Fat Crashing Bastard were struggling along, puffing and wheezing, a fit young man with lovely abs sailed past and Too Easy and Wet Brazilian picked up the pace and chased after him.  Wouldn’t you?

Fat Crashing Bastard charged Tiger Lily for her pre-run comment.  When a dog ran across the carpark, Tiger Lily commented “ My pussy is bigger than that!” As Tiger Lily had left Too Easy was used as a lookalike as apparently she has a big pussy too!

Stiffy talked about the meaning of Christmas and how we think about our loved ones and what would make them happy.  Wet Brazilian was charged for wanting a 6 pack (not of beers, girls) from her husband.  I can’t see what is wrong with that, can you girls?

Talking of making people happy it was then announced that Stiffy and Not Tonight had hit the milestone of 33 years of marriage – aaaahhhh!  Give that girl a medal!

Hooray was getting into the festive season by admiring the Santarina outfit Twin Towers was wearing, but he kind of spoilt it when he asked if she got it from the Sex Shop in Lucky Plaza – apparently not! And how come you know where the sex shops are Hooray??

Not Tonight brought in all the Brits paying for their kids’ university education.  (Stiff, Stiffner, ?)

Royal Tit was not there so Kamala was brought in as his wife and Harvey Wallbanger was a lookalike with a posh accent.  Boo was the policeman and the scene where the royal couple drove through the angry student mob and got pelted with stones was re-enacted.

Stiffy charged all the people who got lost on the hash today (Harvey Wallbanger, Wet Brazilian, Comes Quietly and Mr Potato Head?) as there are now no excuses for getting lost as the hash has someone who can tell the future – Deep Throat.  Apparently we should all be healthy and wealthy next year – hooray!

Deep Throat then counter charged Stiffy, saying he was not a friend and his future will change – tough luck Stiffy!

Not Tonight revealed that Deep Throat had just launched her 5th book (about telling the future) but she didn’t want anyone from the hash there in case we called out her hash name!  Definite drink for that! What is wrong with Deep Throat? Fat Crashing Bastard did suggest “She might have a problem swallowing it”

Fat Crashing Bastard was a bit sceptical of this fortune telling thing as are the Aussies apparently.  Comes Quietly was brought in (well he is kind of an Aussie). The Australian Sceptical Society apparently has various groups around the country which meet and discuss things they don’t think are true.  However in true Aussie style, the Adelaide group is called “Adelaide Sceptical Society down the Pub” and the Melbourne group meet at the “Café Lulu”.

Kannot Kan brought in Jason and Twin Towers into the circle and asked everybody what the similarity was.  (Not much!)  Well, they obviously go to the same shop for their shoes!  “Fuck me shoes and quack me  shoes!”

It all ended with everybody wishing Mr Potatoe Head a happy 25th birthday and singing “Happy Birthday” to him.
On on on.
Scribed by Wet Brazilian.

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